The Combat Project: Using Research to Address Human Trafficking

Dr Maureen Brookes is a Reader in Marketing and Teaching Fellow at the Oxford School of Hospitality Management, Oxford Brookes University. She is Past President of ICHRIE and EuroCHRIE, a CHME Honorary Fellow, a member of the Institute of Hospitality’s Professional Panel and holds an honorary doctorate from NAFEM. Maureen’s most recent research has focused on combatting human trafficking (THB) in the hospitality industry. She was a co-investigator on the Combat THB in Hospitality and Tourism Project. Here, she explains the project’s aims and discusses the approach adopted to ensure real world impact from the research. Trafficking in human beings (THB), is a fast growing criminal activity that affects most countries across the globe. It involves the movement of victims through force, coercion or abuse primarily for the purposes of sexual or labour exploitation. Current estimates by the Walk Free Foundation (2017) suggest that are as many as 4...